FlatTop 1200Hx1200W Grey
Floor Mounted e-Screen.
e-Screensare a flexible, easily changeable screening system. They are the alternative to tradesman installed permanent or semi-permanent screens.
Users can quickly and simply remove the universal joining post and change the configurations of their screens. Because there is only one basic universal joining post, you can change the entire layout of your office without needing extra parts or expert help.
Join 2 way, 3 way or 4 way at any right angle all with the same joiner. Each floor screen comes with the universal joiner at one end. There is no need to specify or lock into a particular configuration.
As soon as you create a 90 degree corner e-screens become stable and freestanding, for creating long straight runs we recommend either a small ‘return’ piece or bracing to existing furniture with optional brackets. e-Screens are slightly elevated with an adjustable glide allowing for height adjustments in out of level floors and to create a cable pass-through.